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Additionally, our Historical line preserves valuable military and paramilitary skills and techniques from the Cold War, Vietnam, WWII, WWI and even before - skills whose effectiveness has not been blunted by time.

Background: USMC photo by Cpl. Joseph Scanlan. The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.


The US Army Survival Guide Carlile Media Carlile Military Library
US Army, Rick Carlile
Paperback Book
US Army Intelligence
US Army
Paperback Book
US Army Doctrine
US Army
Paperback Book
The US Army Survival Guide Carlile Media Carlile Military Library Hardcover
US Army, Rick Carlile
Hardcover Book
US Army
Paperback Book
US Marine Corps
Paperback Book
US Marine Corps
Paperback Book