Military leaders have always recognized that the effectiveness of Soldiers depends largely on their physical condition. Victory - and even the Soldier’s life - often depend upon strength, stamina, agility, resiliency, and coordination. To march long distances in fighting load through rugged country and to fight effectively upon arriving at the area of combat; to drive fast-moving tanks and motor vehicles over rough terrain; to assault; to run and crawl for long distances; to jump in and out of craters and trenches; to jump over obstacles; to lift and carry heavy objects; to keep going for many hours without sleep or rest — all these activities of warfare and many others require superb physical conditioning.
This comprehensive handbook contains not only the information required to get yourself fighting fit, but the leadership philosophy and framework necessary to create your own physical training programs as a fitness instructor or trainer. Its level of detail and quality of instruction are second-to-none, based on the U.S. Army's decades of unique experience creating warriors.
Covering every aspect of training the human body for the test of combat, from dozens of fully-illustrated exercise drills to instructions on building your own military-grade obstacle course, there is no better resource for the Soldier, student or fitness professional available anywhere.
Current edition note: this publication supersedes the old TC 3-22.20 and FM 21-20.
- Full-size edition - LARGE 8.5" x 11" FORMAT: clear, detailed text & illustrations.
- Current, up-to-date edition.
- 400+ pages, complete & unabridged.
- Hundreds of photographs and drawings.
- Created & trusted by the United States Army Physical Fitness School.
- Essential reading for every fitness instructor!
- "Batteries last hours, books last decades. Get the print edition!"
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Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA.